Fixes things, mostly with code
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I am mostly interested in finding sources of friction and eliminating those.
Fascinated by things that are slow, broken or unpredictable.
This spans technical area's but also includes things like human processes and workflows.
As a result of my work on CSS Color specifications I became an invited expert at the W3C for the CSS WG.
Created implementations for css-color-4 and css-color-5.
Advocated for media queries as a broad focus area for interop 2023.
I added various tests to WPT to illustrate the various interop issues and gaps in implementations.
This was accepted and all browsers now have greatly improved support for media queries.
Improved support for modern media query features in various developer tools.
Created a specification compliant CSS tokenizer and various parsers.
These tools drive much of the new PostCSS plugins and are also used in projects like Stylelint.
I took over maintenance for PostCSS Preset Env (together with Antonio Laguna).
Created a specification compliant CSS bundler around @import and a shared test suite to drive interop between CSS bundlers.
The test suite has also helped others like esbuild in finding and resolving various bugs.Contributed various core rules to Stylelint and improved general performance by ±30%.
Contributed various features to the built-in CSS language support.
Redefined how polyfills are tested for polyfill-library.
Originally polyfills were tested only in isolation, which led to various bugs when polyfills interacted.
I also fixed most of the bugs that were surfaced by these new tests.
Contributed various polyfills to polyfill-library and still help to maintain it.
I maintain core-web, which is the same set of polyfills from
polyfill-library, but injected through babel.
Regular contributor to MDN Browser Compat Data.
I also created web-tests as a way to quickly gather historical
data for various web features.
I advocated for something less biased and more inclusive than the first iteration of MDN/Google Baseline.
As part of this work I interacted with the community group to share my insights both as the maintainer of countless
polyfills and as a web developer with a specific focus on supporting older browser versions.
The current definition (30 months since interop) aligns much more closely with end user needs and is much more
Lead developer for most of the software projects at Mr. Henry.
As a generalist I am involved in almost every aspect of the work we do.
Studied photography and worked for several years taking portraits and creating advertisements.